We are open and help our patients in complete antiviral safety

As the CEO of Fantasy group of medical companies, I am responsible for health of every our patient.

All our clinics have been operating according to international JCI standards for more than three years. Our team complies with 178 JCI standards every day - that's almost 700 rules! Not all of these rules are noticeable to the patient, but we know for sure - we do our best for you to be extremely protected from infections.

From the first day of COVID-19 in Europe, we’ve increased safety measures in our clinics:

  • every day before work all the clinic staff undergoes thermometry and check-up for the slightest symptoms of SARS

  • we wash all the surfaces, door handles and WCs several times per hour

  • we have 2 times more sanitary service workers every day

  • we air rooms after each patient

  • bactericidal recirculators in every room and in waiting areas

  •  more antiseptic lotion for hands 

  • thermometry for all our guests

Dental Fantasy, Fantasy Clinic and Belgravia Dental Studio - with us you are always safe and protected.

Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Alexandrovsky⁠

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